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How do the media influence your beliefs?

With the acceleration of economy and technology development, the media become more and more powerful. First there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet. Medium plays a significant role in every individual’s life. People need to acquire information in all directions. While Medium is a way to spread…

13021201 2016-05-25 2016-05-25
What is a cultural norm? describe the concept in relation to your community.

This thesis focuses on the how people accept another cultural norm when they have to get into it. There are differences of norm exists in cultures and more and more people try to immigrant or study and teach overseas. When the cultures have crash, one or more parties of them need to change themselves to…

13021251 2016-05-25 2016-05-25
how does media influence belief

Generally speaking, medias, originating from Latin “ mediums”, refers to the tool which people use to deliver and gain message. People use newspaper, broadcast, television, internet, magazine and mobile phone to develop medium. Human live in a society that counts on information and communication to keep moving in the right decision and do our daily…

13021263 2016-05-25 2016-05-25
Why Finland become an education leader in the world

Finland has been attracting attention on global surveys of Newsweek, which ranked it number one in 2010. What’s more, Finland’s national education system has been receiving particular praise, because in recent years Finnish students have been turning in some of the highest test scores in the world.[1] It seems that Finland has become the most powerful…

13021299 2016-05-26 2016-05-26

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