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Why do some artists become icons of pop culture?-13021405

The pop culture is the most members are participate in the community, and show the social culture of person’s psychologic status and value orientation in the form of material or immaterial, this kind of culture usually Spreading and disappearing with the help of the tools of the advanced media, and produce some influence in society….

13021405 2016-05-22 2016-05-23
How Do the Media Influence My Beliefs-13021289

In general, “media” refers to various means of communication. For example, television, radio, and the newspaper are different types of media. The term can also be used as a collective noun for the press or news reporting agencies. In the computer world, “media” is also used as a collective noun, but refers to different types…

13021289 2016-05-22 2016-05-23
How do the media influence your beliefs?-13021275

With the development of science and technology and the popularization of internet, the information spreads fast all over the world and the amount we would get per day surges. “Well! The era of information is coming!” as a slogan in Lenovo advertisement board. Media, including mass media of communication and new media, play a important role…

13021275 2016-05-22 2016-05-23
What is a cultural norm? Describe the concept in relation to your community.-13021320

What is a cultural norm? Norm means standard or rule. A norm is an acceptable and expected way of behaving in social situations, but in some special circumstances, it represents a specific rule that stipulates our behaviors.  From the whole point of view, a cultural norm is a cultural regulation, moral, or guideline, which designates…

13021320 2016-05-22 2016-05-23 cultural differences, cultural norm

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cultural differences, cultural norm
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