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How do the media influence your beliefs?

Have you ever considered exactly how the media influence our beliefs? Television, radio, the Internet, cinema and advertising is easily accessible to many of the people on the planet. As a new carrier of information dissemination, media has become the world’s most important distribution hub of information and public opinion amplifier. And with the development…

13021070 2016-05-25 2016-06-13
What is a cultural norm?

Have you ever wondered why most people who live in a certain country think and behave in similar ways, and why people from one country or culture are so different from people of another culture? The difference has to do with cultural norms. The term ‘culture’ refers to attitudes and patterns of behavior in a…

13021012 2016-05-25 2016-05-25 cultural norms
13021243 Cultural Norm in Our Community

In some countries, women are expected to cover themselves from head to toe. In others, bikini bottoms are plenty sufficient. In some places, baskets are carried in their arms. In others, they are placed on the head. What on earth controls our behavior and the way we conduct our life? That is cultural norm. So,…

13021243 2016-05-25 2016-05-30
Why Finland become an education leader in the world


13021299 2016-05-25 2016-05-25

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