Famous Fables And Folktales: ESL Reading and Speaking Club

Famous Fables And Folktales: ESL Reading and Speaking Club
Mr. Paul will teach students the difference between folk tales and fairy tales. Folktales have been passed down over hundreds of years. We’ll read and discuss these stories while correcting pronunciation and grammar while speaking.
In this ten lesson series, Mr. Paul will teach students the difference between folktales and fairy tales. Folktales have been passed down over hundreds of years. We’ll read and discuss these stories while correcting pronunciation and grammar while speaking.
  • Week No. 1 Fables and Folktales
  • No. 2 Wake-up on The Farm
  • No. 3 The Lion and The Mouse
  • No. 4 The Town and The Country Mouse
  • No. 5 The Rats And The Iron
  • No. 6 The Crow And The Fox
  • No. 7 The Grasshopper And Ant
  • No. 8 The Boy Who Cried Wolf
  • No. 9 The Pied Piper, Strangers and Staying Safe
  • No. 10 Create a Fable!
  1. Learn story structures
  2. Learn literary terms and practice writing with prompts
  3. Learn everyday English idioms and expressions
  4. Convey ideas with fluency
  5. Listen actively for survival English
  6. Have pronunciation corrected in an encouraging way while reading
  7. Retell a story, make predictions, and compare each story to your own life
Author: Two Franks

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