Sunday class agenda: November

Although there were 5 lessons in October, Blake Academy is still offering a free makeup lesson on the afternoon of Sunday, November 23 at
(There is no class this Sunday)
I’ll be recording and posting the lessons online as of Nov. 23. This will allow students and parents to review lessons. (Students will not appear in the recordings but their voices may be heard.)


November’s agenda:
1. Halloween words review.               (15 minutes)
Listen and guess the words described.
2. On- In- At  (In March, On Saturday, At 4p.m.)       (30 minutes)
3. Jobs shadows.  He is… She Is… They are…     (30 minutes)
(Break 5 minutes)
(This week they kind of never came back from break. Children need routine…If you come to observe, please come at the beginning of class. Thanks 🙂
4. Body parts review: dialogue and pronunciation drill (15 min)


1. Family and Friends dialogue p. 80  (15 min)
2. Favorite foods discussion. I like..I don’t like  (30 minutes)
3. Make a Menu:Items, descriptions, healthy/unhealthy/cheap expensive) (30 minutes)
4. Speaking questions p. 66 How often do you? (15 min)
(Great job this week, 100% attention to the end of class)


11/23 Next Class, 8:00 a.m.:
1. Acting: Action Boy p. 94 dialogue
2. Action words game
3. Time Travel. They didn’t have…
4. He- She- We- They
5. Computer speaking extra p74


11/23 Makeup Class, 4:00pm 
1. Food Review p.8/86
2. Clothes game
3. Hair review
4. Describe (speaking charades)


1. Class starts at 8:00 a.m.
2. Fees are due in advance each month. Paying on time ensures individualized attention and low fees.
3. No Class this Sunday, Nov. 16
4. Children learning to get along is part of healthy socialization and development. Students should remember the #1 class rule: Be Kind!
5. Listening helps too! Listen to CD’s and practice in workbook and I will see you next class.


Finally, with all your options for native teacher speaking practice, thank you for choosing to study with Mr. Paul 🙂
Author: Paul Blake

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